Tytuł linku niewidoczny gołym okiem

GARY MOORE Tribute Band feat. JACK MOORE

20 September


| Concert Hall

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GARY MOORE Tribute Band


20th September 2020
Sunday | 19:00
Cultural Congress Centre Jordanki | Toruń


Jack Moore – guitars
Szymon Pejski – vocal
Bogdan Topolski – guitars
Łukasz Gorczyca – bass
Tomek Dominik – drums


This event will take place in accordance with current guidelines for the sanitary regime.

Obey current rules of safety and sanitary regime, please:

Half of the seats in the audience
During the event, we will provide half of the available seats for the audience. Seats in each row will be occupied alternately. The principle of keeping one free seat between viewers applies. This rule does not apply to viewers who:
– participate in a show with a child up to the age of 13,
– is a person with a disability certificate, a person with a certificate of need for individual tuition, or a person who, due to his / her health, cannot move independently.

Cover your mouth and nose
cover your mouth and nose before entering the building. The absolute regulation of covering your mouth and nose applies throughout the entire event until you leave the building.

Hands disinfection
Disinfect your hands as soon as you enter the building. Dispensers with disinfectant will be available at the entrance and at the toilets. We recommend thorough and frequent hand washing.

Keep a safe distance
When moving around the facility, keep a safe distance of at least 1.5 meters from other participants of the event. Keep also a safe distance before entering the building.

We recommend using the elevators only for families with young children, pregnant women, people with disabilities or the elderly.

Changing rooms
During the event you will not be able to use the changing room

Statement of the event participant
Before entering the event or when purchasing a ticket a participant should state that he is not an infected person and is not in quarantine or under epidemiological supervision. The administrator of your data is the Jordanki Cultural and Congress Center. Personal data will be processed only in necessary purpose to hold the event and maintain the principles of epidemiological safety.

Early arrival at the event
Due to the slow admission procedure and the need to complete a declaration, please arrive at the event early. Entry to the building will be possible one hour before the scheduled event.

Buy tickets

Tickets price:
40, 50, 60 PLN  

Tickets available online


  • CKK Jordanki Ticket Office
    Toruń, Al. Solidarności 1-3 Street
    (56) 642 43 79
    (payment by cach)
  • Tourist Information Center
    25 Old Town Square
    (56) 621-09-30
  • Copernicana Tourist Agency
    31/1 Żeglarska Street


Kontakt z organizatorem:

Cultural Congress Centre Jordanki

Aleja Solidarności 1-3 street

87-100 Toruń

+48 56 643 19 20



We would like to kindly inform you that there is a 24-hour, paid, unguarded car park at 185 CKK Jordanki. We invite you to use the parking lot during performances, as well as during trips to the city center.