Tytuł linku niewidoczny gołym okiem

LAO CHE. The farewell concert

29 August


| Concert Hall

dodaj do swojego kalendarza

Rescheduled from 14th February 2021.
Tickets remain valid.


It was a great adventure. The adventure of a lifetime.

After more than 20 years of touring and many unforgettable moments spent with you, we suspend the band’s activity. We invite you to a concert in Toruń a part of the farewell tour by the Polish band.


Buy tickets

Tickets available online


  • CCC Jordanki Ticket Office
    Toruń, Al. Solidarności 1-3 Street
    (56) 642 43 79
  • Tourist Information Center in Toruń
    25 Old Town Square
    (56) 621-09-30
  • Copernicana Tourist Agency in Toruń
    31/1 Żeglarska Street


Kontakt z organizatorem:

Cultural Congress Centre Jordanki

Aleja Solidarności 1-3 street

87-100 Toruń

+48 56 643 19 20



We would like to kindly inform you that there is a 24-hour, paid, unguarded car park at 185 CKK Jordanki. We invite you to use the parking lot during performances, as well as during trips to the city center.