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Meeting with Father Adam Szustak

2 November


| Concert Hall

dodaj do swojego kalendarza

We will meet with Father Adam Szustak – a Polish Roman Catholic priest, Dominican, circuit preacher, academic minister, vlogger, author of books and audiobooks.


Long ago, at the beginning of the world, when everything broke down, we hide away in the bushes. Out of shame for your own sin, weakness and a feeling of defeat. Shame that makes us constantly afraid of judging, rejection and showing the world who we really are. The shame of our ugliness and failures. It’s high time to stop this! I invite you to Polish cities for unusual meetings, during which we will let the light come over us, which will finally allow us to come out of the shadows, from the darkness of our shame. We could finally say: I am not feel ashamed anymore!


The meetings will be accompanied by a band composed of:

Agnieszka Musiał || Jan Smo­czyń­ski || Kamil Siciak. 


The meeting has been moved from 31nd October 2020


We would like to kindly inform you that there is a 24-hour, paid, unguarded car park at 185 CKK Jordanki. We invite you to use the parking lot during performances, as well as during trips to the city center.