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Peppa Pig’s Big Surprise

28 April


| Concert Hall

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Peppa Pig’s Big Surprise live show

Among the songs, cheerful music, dances and the fun Peppa Pig wants to come out from screen to meet the children live. Polite, cheerful and incredibly likeable, Peppa teaches  the children how to explore the world. She is the hero of one of the most popular cartoons for children in many countries. The cartoon is watched on SVOD platforms, and Peppa itself is known in 85 countries.


Screenplay and direction – Gabriel Gietzky

Scenography and costumes – Maria Kanigowska

The show is licensed by: Entertainment One

Production: MGR Productions


Karolina Marcisz, Aleksandra Batko, Agnieszka Raj-Kubat, Kamil Mularz, Michał Karczewski, Szymon Gotowski


Narrator, Peppa Pig, George, Daddy Pig, Momma Pig, Mrs. Rabbit, Mr. Zebra

More information: www.swinkapeppanazywo.pl


MGR Productions



We would like to kindly inform you that there is a 24-hour, paid, unguarded car park at 185 CKK Jordanki. We invite you to use the parking lot during performances, as well as during trips to the city center.