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TIME FOR US | Valentine’s Day Carnival Ball

14 February


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TIME FOR US | Valentine’s Day Carnival Ball
14th February 2021, 4:00 p.m.

Rehearsal Room

The event will be delivered in accordance with current recommendations and guidelines.
Please read and follow the rules in accordance with the GUIDELINES FOR PARTICIPANTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC and complete a statement to be given to staff with your ticket on the day of the concert.

We invite you to a Valentine’s Day Carnival Ball. The concert “Time for Us” will be full of love songs and dance rhythms. The concert will feature two teddy bears, a beautiful princess and a cheerful dwarf. You guys can dress up too. Come on!

Main Patron: Gmina Miasta Toruń
Strategic Sponsor of TOS in 2020: Nova Trading S.A.
Cultural Patron – Main Sponsor: 
PGE Energia Ciepła S. A.

Buy tickets

Tickets available


  • at CCC Jordanki Ticket Office
    Torun, Al. Solidarności 1-3 Street
    (56) 642 43 79
    (Open from Thursday to Saturday, from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m)


Kontakt z organizatorem:

Torun Symphony Orchestra

1-3 Solidarnosci Avenue

87-100 Torun

+48 56 622 88 05



We would like to kindly inform you that there is a 24-hour, paid, unguarded car park at 185 CKK Jordanki. We invite you to use the parking lot during performances, as well as during trips to the city center.