Tytuł linku niewidoczny gołym okiem

International Music Day

2 October


| Concert Hall

dodaj do swojego kalendarza

The event will take place as part of the Viva Beethoven! – the 250th anniversary of the composer’s birth.

Robert Łaguniak – violin (award of the Toruń Symphony Orchestra in the 5th International Karol Lipiński V Festival and Violin Competition)
Toruń Symphony Orchestra
Dainius Pavilionis – conductor

Paganini – Violin Concerto No. 1 in D major, Op. 6
G. Rossini – The Italian Girl in Algiers Overture
L. van Beethoven – Symphony No. 7in A major, Op9

Buy tickets

Tickets price:
40 PLN
30 PLN

Tickets available online


  • Ticket Office of the Toruń Symphony Orchestra in CKK Jordanki, Toruń, Al. Solidarności 1-3 Street
    (56) 642 43 79


Kontakt z organizatorem:

Torun Symphony Orchestra

1-3 Solidarnosci Avenue

87-100 Torun

+48 56 622 88 05



We would like to kindly inform you that there is a 24-hour, paid, unguarded car park at 185 CKK Jordanki. We invite you to use the parking lot during performances, as well as during trips to the city center.